Our country

               Look at the following map carefully. It is the map of Nepal. What are the names of the countries bordering it from east, west, north and south? Find out. All Nepalese are living on the area shown by the map of Nepal with the feeling of community based unity practicing and preserving our own costumes language and culture. From administrative point of view our country has been divided into village development comities, municipalities, districts, zones and development regions.

              The above map clarifies that our country is divided into 14 zones and 75 districts. Dear little brothers and sister. These zones are the groups of comprising at least four and at most eight districts. The division makes the administrative works easy for the government. Therefore, these are some zonal level governmental offices in each zone. Participation activities of the people living in the zones are organized on the basis of group efforts and competition. Among these zones ten are named after river, two are named after mountains and the remaining two are named after places.

              As zones are composed of districts so development regions are composed of zones. There are five development regions namely, Eastern development region, Central development region, Western development region, Mid-western region and Far- western development region. The main objective of dividing the nation into five development regions is to promote and co-operation and understanding to develop the nation from Mechi in the east to Mahakali in the west and from Terai to the Himalayans, by reducing the imbalance in development. There is one regional administrative office in each development region. It monitors, co-ordinarayanhiti palace kathmandu nepalnates, supervises and controls the administrative office within the region. The chief of such offices is called the Regional Administrator. Government of Nepal appoints the Regional Administrator.

Mountain Biking Nepal


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