Extended from Mechi of the East and Mahakali of the West and Terai of t
he South and the Himalayas of
the North, the Kingdom of Nepal has an area of 1, 47, 181 sq. km. This small country Nepal is full of geographical diversity. Due to presence of hills, valleys; forest and mountains here, uniform its in development from the perspective of agriculture, industry, trade etc is lacking in different places. For the development and construction works of a country, first of all, there; should be development of infrastructure. Infrastructure of development are transportation, communication, education, health, drinking water, electricity etc. Due to diversity in our country all of these infrastructure vary from
place to place, and therefore, some place are extremely back warded.
There is poor mobilization of resources and means in many places. Employment opportunities vary a lot. Quantities of agriculture production an crops also vary. People migrate to terai from hills and to cities from the villages. Keeping all these in mind, there should be equitable development of all places. If we can utilize the locally available means and resources properly, we can promote the living standard of the people. If such efforts are made, there won’t be significant gaps in population distribution, Proportionate development of all regions becomes a possibility.
There will be favorable environment for development of the country. That is why the concept of development region was brought into practice with a view to provide equal employment opportunities in all places and to develop back warded area proportionately by mobilizing local resources and means. We can create favorable environment as mentioned above by mobilization and distributing the various development activities and resources to be mobilized by the government on the basis of developmental region. Then, from the view the view points of social justice all Nepalese can receive the benefits of developments. It is for this reason that Late King Birendra had tried to let the nation move forward on. The path of development by dividing the nation into five development regions. Late King Birendra had tried to ensure balanced and proportionate development by visiting the developments. This concept has been duly emphasized in the present political system too.
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